Sunday School
Sunday school is offered for children ages 3-5th grade. We meet downstairs on Sunday mornings at 9:30. Kids are brought into church in time to receive Holy Communion with their families.
We use the Weaving God’s Promises curriculum. Classes typically involve prayer, a Bible lesson, and a game or craft. There is a take-home worksheet for children to share with their families.
Sunday school classes begin in September and end the Sunday before Mother’s Day.
All kids are welcome to join us for a Sunday school class, whether you attend regularly or are just visiting. If you have questions about where to go, you may ask one of the ushers.
Kid Sunday
Kid Sunday is a chance for our kids to sit in church as a group with the Sunday school teachers. The kids are given the opportunity to serve as greeters, ushers, and readers.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Each summer, we host a 3-night VBS for children ages 3-5th grade (completed). This past summer, we learned about how God gives good gifts…Yee-haw!