Our Worship
Anglicanism allows for a wide variety of expression. The first thing you’ll notice about our worship is how active it is. A lot of people will be doing a lot of different things. People will kneel during part of the service while others will stand. Some will bow toward the front of the church or make the sign of the cross. Others will close their eyes and raise their hands in worship. This is all part of our understanding of what it means to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice unto God (Romans 12.1).
Ours is a liturgical tradition. That means we follow a set order of worship found in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), which is reprinted in our Sunday bulletin for ease of use at each service. Everything we do in our worship has an important meaning and is rich in symbolism. Just follow along, you are among friends here–so don’t worry about doing something “wrong"! We offer two services. Both services offer Holy Communion (Eucharist). The 7:30 am service is a quieter, and more contemplative service and does not include music. The 9:30 am service has a variety of music (traditional to contemporary). Although traditional in content, this is a more lively and active service.
The priest, and those assisting him, wear vestments during the service. Vestments are traditional garments and robes and have been worn in the same way by clergy for centuries. The color of the priest's vestments, the altar cloths, and decorations throughout the church building, change according to the season in the church calendar.
Other traditions that we use during our services include following the cross and candles during grand processions. These often include the use of incense; this is simply another way to engage our senses in worship and is a visible sign of the prayers of the saints ascending to heaven. During High Holy Days—such as Christmas and Easter—we express our thanksgiving to God, for what He has done for us through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, by using special liturgies and prayers.
Finally, in all services, Father Skoglund delivers sermons that will leave you feeling encouraged and equipped to go forward into the world and live out the week resting in God's word. We hope to see you soon!